Kayak Fishing

How to Choose a Kayak Paddle for Fishing 620 350 BassGrab

How to Choose a Kayak Paddle for Fishing

What should you look for when buying a kayak paddle? You will need to do a lot of research, but your main focus should be on choosing the paddle angle, shaft material, blade material, paddle weight, paddle length and paddle features that best suit the type of paddling and type of kayaking you will be doing.
Best Fishing Kayaks 2021 620 350 BassGrab

Best Fishing Kayaks 2021

There is no one size fits all for fishing kayaks, mainly because everyone differs in where they fish and their personal kayak preferences, be it stability, speed, tracking, or weight. I’ll try to highlight the best use for each of the kayaks on our list to steer you in the right direction so you can get the most out of your time on the water. These are the best fishing kayaks.
Best Inshore Spinning Reels 620 350 BassGrab
Redfish Tail

Best Inshore Spinning Reels

Fishing reels can be difficult to pick especially when there are so many options in the market today. It is very hard to figure out who makes a quality reel vs who can put together a nice looking exterior. That is not something you want to figure out when you’ve hooked into a silver king on the flats. Find out which reels are best suited for inshore fishing!
Your Kayak Fishing Gear Checklist 1080 674 BassGrab
Kayak Fishing Checklist

Your Kayak Fishing Gear Checklist

Planning for a kayak fishing trip is always exciting. You’re anxious to get on the water and you’re dreaming of your kayak being pulled around with a big fish on the line. We’ve been there a hundred times and brought in a few of those big fish, too! However, we would have been able to land a few more if we had always packed correctly. Our team came up with a Top 11 list of items you should have.
Kayak Fishing with Gators 620 350 BassGrab
Monster Gator Head

Kayak Fishing with Gators

When fishing in Florida it is common knowledge that any body of water can and probably does contain alligators. I have seen them in lakes, rivers, brackish water, saltwater beaches, golf courses, and even shallow roadside ditches. However this doesn’t change that fact that it really gets your adrenaline pumping when you see a big one floating close by or sliding into the water.